Monday, June 14, 2010

The best chest congestion remedy - Hot Toddy!

You wouldnt believe it, finally we get a long weekend, and I come down with a cold, thankfully not the flu..but still very annoying none the less! 

My partner Scott, my Sister and her kids all went camping this Queens Birthday long weekend up at our block in North Arm Cove, NSW, just for one night, I already was feeling a little congested, but hey i didnt want to miss out, so up we travel! Everything was going along ok, until later in the afternoon I was all tired and achy so I could tell that I had a cold kicking in, that night was the worst, I went to bed early and then I couldnt sleep, tossing and turning, and coughing and wheezing, it was the worst night eva!!  So anyway, we finally get back home and I am still congested as ever, so I jump onto the web and try to find a good natural remedy for chest congestion ...  after 2 tablespoons of simple Hot Toddy recipe. I slept through the night! yay, still congested today and nose is stuffy, but gonna keep on this over the course of the day and hopefully i am better tomorrow!  Check it out:

Grandmas Wisdom - The best Natural Remedies!